Join Us in Spirit and Action in 2023

The Fond du Lac Area Women’s Fund is continuing on its journey to strive for an inclusive community where all women and girls thrive, no exceptions. In order to do this effectively, we endeavor to work strategically and inclusively with our community partners, grant recipients, board members, volunteers and community to bring these efforts to fruition.

In our collaborative efforts to advance Fond du Lac area women and girls, our agency has identified priority areas for our focus that include: education, leadership development, health and well-being, economic self-sufficiency, and safety, dignity and freedom from violence. We look forward to facilitating bold change in these areas that not only improves the lives of women and girls, but also to engage others in that process. We’re committed to our Fond du Lac Says No More awareness initiative, and its direct programming through Green Dot Community Bystander Intervention Training, which assists in preventing violence against women and children. These efforts are successfully strengthened when our entire community is involved. Our organization is also making progress in weaving diversity, equity and inclusion efforts into everything we do, at every level.

As we strive to increase our visibility and inclusivity with community engagement and awareness, will you join us?

We welcome you to attend a Green Dot training, serve on one of our committees, contribute financially to invest in our women and girls, attend our Power of the Purse Luncheon, or reach out with any questions as to how you may be able to assist in bold change to advance our Fond du Lac area women and girls.

Meggin McNamara

Meggin McNamara
Board President

Posted on December 30, 2022


Community & Collaborations

APPLY NOW: First Cohort of Fond du Lac Area Women’s Fund’s Girl-Powered Giving Program

Where girls learn to embrace their power to change the world and become the next generation of thoughtful and effective givers. We are gathering...
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Community & Collaborations

Congrats to our 2024 SHEroes!

SHEroes are the everyday female heroes who are nominated annually by you, the community!  Here are the local women going above and beyond to...
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