Grant Details

Mahala’s Hope at Reilly’s Ranch of Recovery: Healing Through Reiki

Mahala's Hope at Riley's Ranch of Recovery


Mahala’s Hope is implementing Reiki therapy as a part of the holistic, whole-person approach to long-term recovery. Mahala’s Hope will contract with Holly Mulder, certified Level ll Reiki Practitioner, to develop a Reiki program at Mahala’s Hope. Reiki provides clients another pathway to reach a state of relaxation and natural healing using the body’s natural energies. When used in addiction populations, Reiki assists clients through detox making withdrawal symptoms tolerable. Reiki is also proven to help clients increase emotional coping in areas of stress, anger, and resentment, which are leading emotions for relapse. A balanced body and mind are a healthy body and mind. Through this program, clients will become certified level l Reiki Practitioners. Each client will receive two Reiki sessions. Clients will expand their education and master Reiki techniques to bring with them to use as part of their long-term recovery plan, giving them access to effective copying skills in times of increased emotion, thus reducing chances of relapse.

Learn more about Mahala's Hope

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All Grants Received
2021 Mahala’s Hope at Reilly’s Ranch of Recovery: Healing Through Reiki 2023 Healing Through Reiki