Counseling / Mental Health Services

ASTOP (Assist Survivors/Treatment/Outreach/Prevention; “Put A Stop to Sexual Assault”)
430 E. Division St. (in St. Agnes Hospital)
Fond du Lac, WI 54935
24 hour crisis line (920) 921-7657; alternative crisis line:  (800) 418-0270; office (920) 926-5395
Programs & services:  confidential individual short-term therapy with qualified staff for survivors of sexual abuse.  Support and therapy groups for adult incest survivors.  Referrals to other agencies when appropriate.  Protective behavior prevention programs in schools.

Catholic Charities Service
191 S. Main St.
Fond du Lac WI 54935
(920) 923-2550
Programs & services:  Family/individual/couples counseling; pregnancy counseling; step-parent adoption screenings; child-abuse prevention programs.  Fond du Lac or Dodge County residents, Catholic or not.

Health Care Center Mental Health Services – Fond du Lac County Department of Community Programs
459 E. First St.
Fond du Lac, WI 54935
Intake (920)929-3565; Information: (920) 929-3500
CRISIS INTERVENTION: (920) 929-3535 (24 hour hot line) – Your Government – Departments A-E – Community Programs
Programs & services:  Acute psychiatric unit; crisis intervention services; day treatment program; outpatient mental health clinics, including individual and group counseling for children, adolescents and adults, marital counseling, family support; Mental Health Outreach (CCS); Mental Health Outreach and Case Management (COS); prevention;  Children’s Service, Birth to Three and Family Support; alcohol and drug abuse counseling services including individual counseling for adolescents, adults and families, group counseling, recovery groups;  AODA assessments, operating while intoxicated (OWI) assessments, treatment program; underage drinking assessments.

Lutheran Social Services
131 S. Main St.
Fond du Lac, WI 54935
(920)924-5222 or (920) 907-0900
Programs & services:  Alcohol & Drug Abuse Recovery Center; Project Youth, helping youth and families resolve issues.  Non-denominational, open to the public.

St. Agnes Hospital/Behavioral Health Services
430 E. Division St.
Fond du Lac, WI 54935
For all services unless noted otherwise: (920) 926-4200 -services & specialties-services-behavioral health
Programs & services:  Inpatient Addiction Services, (920)926-4290; Inpatient Mental Health Services, (920) 926-4290; Outpatient Addiction Services; Outpatient Mental Health Services; Domestic Violence Program, (920)926-4207, 24-hour crisis assistance line (920) 926-4290
(see “Domestic Violence/Sexual Abuse”).

Solutions Center – Shelter & Support Services
39 N. Sophia
Fond du Lac, WI 54935
(920) 923-1743
Women’s Shelter:  75 W. Division, Fond du Lac, WI 54935, (920) 923-2880 – 24 hrs
Men’s Shelter:  114 E. 2nd St., Fond du Lac, WI 54935; (920) 922-8122
Domestic Violence Crisis Line:  (920) 923-1700
Services:  Help for women or men experiencing domestic violence or homelessness.  Domestic Violence Crisis Line:  crisis counseling; safety planning assistance; finding shelter; referrals to programs/other organizations, advocacy with police and other crucial services.  Women’s Shelter:  emergency counseling; individual and group counseling with social worker or therapist; housing counseling; work on acquiring independent living skills, e.g. parenting, financial and household management.  Men’s Shelter: case manager to address barriers to stabilizing residents’ lives; referrals to community resources; assistance with social security benefits; housing applications. For those experiencing or threatened by homelessness, eviction prevention; housing advocate; individualized and comprehensive approach to programs and services.

Posted on December 20, 2016



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