
2023 Annual Grant Application Process Now Open

Before you begin your application, please review the information below related to our Funding Priorities, Criteria for Funding, and Eligibility. The annual application period opens at 8 a.m. Jan. 1 and closes at 4 p.m. Feb. 13, 2023.

Funding Priorities

We award grants to 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations for programs/projects primarily benefiting women and/or girls in the Fond du Lac area in one or more of our focus areas:

  • education
  • leadership development
  • economic self-sufficiency
  • health and well-being
  • safety, dignity, and freedom from violence

New programs in any focus area and those specifically aligned with our Fond du Lac Says No More three-year initiative will be given priority. For more information on the initiative, please see The Women’s Fund will not fund individuals, endowments, government agencies (educational institutions may qualify), projects with a religious purpose, and political parties, candidates or partisan activities.


The annual application period opens at 8 a.m. Jan. 1 and closes at 4 p.m. Feb. 13, 2023. The deadline is firm; there no exceptions for any reason, so please plan accordingly to have your application done and submitted in time (being prepared for technology glitches, etc.). Funds will be disbursed in mid-April.

Criteria for Funding

The following criteria will be used in the decision-making process. Applications are to be completed online and Women’s Fund will conduct applicant interviews of finalists. To be considered, applications must:

  1. Describe how the request is targeted to primarily benefit Fond du Lac County women and/or girls. Programs for men and boys could also meet this criteria.
  2. Describe how the request addresses at least one Women’s Fund funding priority.
  3. Define program/project’s anticipated outcomes, including short-term and long-term goals, as well as a description of method for evaluation of success.
  4. Describe target population, including demographic information, number of individuals served directly and impact on community, including indirect impact. We encourage you to review our DEI statement to ensure your work aligns with meeting the needs of all people, but especially those from traditionally marginalized groups.
  5. Describe methods/strategies that will be used for effective implementation.
  6. Be sure to recognize collaborating agencies, as we value the interconnectedness of agencies and not duplicating services where collaboration makes sense.
  7. Include a timeline and budget that is clear and concise.
  8. Plan for a 20-minute interview on March 10, 2023 (between 7 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.) with no more than two agency representatives appearing in front of the Women’s Fund Grants Committee.


  • Program/project must be consistent with the funding priorities of the Fond du Lac Area Women’s Fund.
  • Program/project must primarily benefit women and/or girls in the Fond du Lac area.
  • Organization must be a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)3 organization.
  • Individuals, endowments, government agencies (educational institutions may qualify), projects with a religious purpose, and political parties, candidates or partisan activities are not eligible.

*Note: If funded, you agree to complete and submit our evaluation form as required by 4 p.m. Feb. 1, and if requested, be willing to present the evaluation at a Board meeting. Future grants will not be considered without a final grant evaluation on file. The Women’s Fund reserves the right to request return of any funds not used for purposes stated within original grant request.

Questions? Reach Out Directly

If you have any questions, please contact Executive Director Maria Turner at (920) 322-8778 or We encourage you to have a conversation with us prior to submitting your grant application to talk through your project – especially if you are new to submitting a grant to our agency. You are also welcome to reach out at anytime while completing your grant application for clarification on any of the questions contained within it.

Posted on December 20, 2022



Check out 211 Wisconsin’s Web Page for Local Resources!

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2024 Fond du Lac Area Women’s Fund – Year End Letter

As we reflect on 2024, we are proud of the strides we have made to empower and uplift women and girls in our community....
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