2018 Annual Appeal
The Fond du Lac Area Women’s Fund took a major leap this year by taking on an issue spanning far beyond the interior walls of any single home in our community. We took a stand and said “No More” to silencing the voices of women and children who are victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence. This bold move was done in partnership with local law enforcement and community service providers to ensure that not only were we going to create a new dialogue, but encourage people to speak up and speak out for themselves and others.
This is the same Women’s Fund that has supported our community for years by providing grants and educating our community about issues that impact women and girls … and we’re still doing that. But we’ve taken on an initiative far larger than any one single agency can tackle on its own, and created a campaign we can all get behind … Fond du Lac Says No More.
We can’t continue to do this without YOU, members of this great community, and we need your help to move the needle of change forward. Enclosed you’ll find information about the need for this important campaign and the Women’s Fund, and the impact we’ve made in just one year. We need your help to keep this conversation alive.
Change starts with us. Change is underway.
2018 was all about community conversation around domestic violence and sexual assault of women and children in our community. Kicking off with Power of the Purse in April 2018, the Women’s Fund launched a powerful awareness and community engagement campaign which carried on throughout the year.
The impact of community support includes:
- 597, 370 views through 36 teal “Project Table Talk” tables throughout the FDL community.
- 1,966,008 views annually** of Fond du Lac Says No More on bus signage around the city.
- 43,127 people experienced the Fond du Lac Says No More messaging at the Dock Spiders stadium over the 2018 season.
- 70,000+ reach via social media outreach; with one parent sharing her experience around the conversation cards distributed.
- Green Dot Bystander Intervention training in Fond du Lac activated key social influencers – who will in turn facilitate 80-120 intervention trainings in 2018-2019.
- 450+ attendees at annual events inspired to share the message about domestic violence and sexual abuse in our community.
Three of our greatest accomplishments this year include:
- 699 women and girls positively impacted by programs in the community through grant funding focused on education; leadership development; financial self-sufficiency; or safety, dignity and freedom from violence.
- 155 attendees motivated by world-renowned leaders & a local panel through Leadercast Women 2018; Starting a crucial conversation around women’s leadership
in our community and men’s support as allies. - 250+ girls & their families impacted through Girls on the Run Fond du Lac – which is now a Fond du Lac Area Women’s Fund Signature Program!