Mind If… we gather together in the spirit of sisterhood and fulfilling our mission of facilitating bold change for Fond du Lac area women and girls? Mind If… we shine a spotlight on our newest foundational pillar – Health & Well-Being – and bring the conversation about mental health out of the shadow of stigma?
Mind If… we celebrate two young Women of Achievement – Kaitlyn Kenealy and Keziah Love – along with other SHEroes from our community who are making a difference in the field of mental health for local women and children? As women, we can do anything we set our Minds on accomplishing – especially when we have the network and support of other women to join us in our purpose.
So let’s set our Minds on raising critical funding, while raising awareness about mental health issues affecting local women and girls at the 18th annual Power of the Purse Luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Radisson Hotel and Conference Center, Fond du Lac, on Wednesday, April 27.
All funds raised assist with our Fond du Lac Says No More initiative and its Green Dot Bystander Intervention Training and Project Table Talk, as well as annual grant making partnerships that change the lives of more than 1,500 local women and children every single year!
Tickets: $60 per person or community table of 8 for $450.
Early bird registration: Get 15% off if registered by March 15 with Promo Code EARLYBIRD